Replace, repair, upgrade or redesign your CT system. Scale. Configure. Customize.
Our fully comprehensive Varex Imaging product portfolio is developed and enriched by highly talented scientists and engineers working in partnership with the best X-ray systems manufacturers in the world.
You can access whatever you need from single components to complete X-ray systems. And that includes the most critical elements.
Control your system ownership costs. Varex Imaging is a global company with a long history. Nearly a century of expertise in X-ray means we know what works and what lasts.
Explore and discover: X-ray tube platforms with paired heat exchangers, high voltage cables and connectors, high voltage generators and unipolar X-ray tube platforms, photon counting detector modules and arrays, and specialty CT software tools. And more.
Making the Invisible VisibleTM
CT Sub-systems
Our CT X-ray tubes, packaged together with heat exchangers, HV generators, and HV cables and connectors.
Heat Exchangers
Our portfolio of heat exchangers are made to pair easily with our X-ray tubes.
X-ray Detectors
Our X-ray detectors provide low noise, high resolution, and easy integration for any system.
High Voltage Connectors
Explore our portfolio of high voltage connectors for X-ray imaging systems.
Sub-system component packages can cover your CT system needs. Our powerful X-ray tubes paired with our heat exchangers, high voltage generators, and high voltage cables and connectors all calibrated to work in tandem as the backbone of your CT systems. Working together to speed up your development cycle.
Explore our sub-system component packages and what they can do for you.
32-64 Slice
Subsystem Components
Standard Systems
Tube: MCS-6100
Heat exchanger: HE-1256
HV generator: VCT60M
HV connectors: FTU-200
Tube: MCS-6200
Heat exchanger: HE-1100
HV generator: VCT60M
HV connectors: FTU-200
64-80 Slice
Subsystem Components
Standard Systems
Tube: MCS-7000
Heat exchanger: HE-1256
HV generator: VCT80M
HV connectors: FTU-200
Tube: MCS-7100
Heat exchanger: HE-1120
HV generator: VCT80M
HV connectors: FTU-200
Performance System
Tube: MCS-7100
Heat exchanger: HE-1170
HV generator: VCT100M
HV connectors: FTU-200
128+ Slice
Subsystem Components
Performance Systems
Tube: MCS-7200
Heat exchanger: HE-1121/HE-1170
HV generator: VCT100M
HV connectors: FTU-200
Tube: MCS-7500
Heat exchanger: HE-1121/HE-1170
HV generator: VCT100M
HV connectors: FTU-100
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 0.7 x 0.8 | 1.2 x 1.4 focal spots,
60/180 Hz rotor speeds, optional X-axis toggling
Heat units: 1.5 MHu
Max KW rating: Up to 42 kW
Heat exchanger: HE-580
Max gantry speed: 0.7 sec/6G
HV cable: CA-1 (Federal Standard)
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 0.7 x 0.8 | 1.2 x 1.4 focal spots,
60/180 Hz rotor speeds, optional X-axis toggling
Heat units: 2.0 MHu
Max KW rating: Up to 42 kW
Heat exchanger: HE-540
Max gantry speed: 0.7 sec/6G
HV cable: CA-1 (Federal Standard)
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 0.7 x 0.8 | 1.2 x 1.4 focal spots,
60/180 Hz rotor speeds, optional X-axis toggling
Heat units: 3.0 MHu
Max KW rating: 45 kW
Heat exchanger: HE-540
Max gantry speed: 0.7 sec/6G
HV cable: CA-1 (Federal Standard)
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 0.7 x 0.8 | 1.2 x 1.4 focal spots,
60/120 Hz rotor speeds, optional X-axis toggling
Heat units: 5.0 MHu
Max KW rating: 48 kW
Heat exchanger: Attached
Max gantry speed: 0.7 sec/6G
HV cable: CA-1 (Federal Standard)
Head CT
Focal spot: 1.0 x 1.0
Anode angle: 5°
Housing: Monoblock
Dissipation: 3kW
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 0.7 x 0.8 | 1.2 x 1.4 focal spots,
60/120 Hz rotor speeds, optional X-axis toggling
Heat units: 5.0 MHu
Max KW rating: 48 kW
Heat exchanger: HE-546/549 (attached)
Max gantry speed: 0.7 sec/6G
HV cable: CA-1 (Federal Standard)
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 0.7 x 0.8│1.2 x 1.4 Focal spots, 60/120 Hz rotor speeds, optional X-axis toggling
Heat units: 5.0 MHu
Max KW rating: 50 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.5 sec/11.87G
Heat exchanger: HE-546/549 (attached)
HV cable: CA11 or CA200 (Mini-75)
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 0.4 x 0.7│0.6 x 1.3 Focal spots, 60 / 120 Hz rotor speeds
Heat units: 5.0 MHu
Max KW rating: 48 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.7 sec/6G
Heat exchanger: HE-547/HE-1000
HV cable: CA-1 (Federal Standard)
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 0.7 x 0.8│1.2 x 1.4 Focal spots, 70/115 Hz rotor speeds, optional X-axis toggling
Heat units: 5.4 MHu
Max KW rating: 50 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.5 sec/11.87G
Heat exchanger: HE-549B
HV cable: CA11 or CA200 (Mini-75)
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: Electrostatic X-axis toggling (FFS), 0.5 x 1.0 | 1.0 x 1.0 focal spots, 105 Hz rotor speed
Heat units: 5.3 MHu
Max KW rating: 50 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.5 sec/12G
Heat exchanger: Radiator & pump attached to tube
HV cable: CA-1 (Federal Standard)
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 2 independent coiled emitters, 3 standard focal spot configurations, rotor speeds 50/100 Hz
Heat units: 6.0 MHu
Max KW rating: 60 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.4 sec/18G
Heat exchanger: HE-1256 (MCS-6100), HE-1100 (MCS-6200)
Paired HV generator: VCT60M
HV cable: FTU-200 (VCT60M), cable only: CA22 (tube) – variable generator connection
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 0.7 x 0.8│1.2 x 1.4 Focal spots, 60/120 Hz rotor speeds, optional X-axis toggling
Heat units: 5.0 MHu
Max KW rating: 50 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.5 sec/11.87G
Heat exchanger: HE-546/549 (attached)
HV cable: CA11 or CA200 (Mini-75)
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 0.7 x 0.8│1.2 x 1.4 Focal spots, 70/115 Hz rotor speeds, optional X-axis toggling
Heat units: 5.4 MHu
Max KW rating: 50 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.5 sec/11.87G
Heat exchanger: HE-549B
HV cable: CA11 or CA200 (Mini-75)
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: Electrostatic X-axis toggling (FFS), 0.6 x 1.2 | 1.1 x 1.2 focal spots, 105 Hz rotor speed
Heat units: 7.5 MHu
Max KW rating: 80 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.39 sec/17.4G
Heat exchanger: Radiator & pump attached
HV cable: CA-1 (Federal Standard)
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 2 independent coiled emitters, 3 standard focal spot configurations, rotor speeds 50/100 Hz
Heat units: 7.5 MHu
Max KW rating: 80 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.35 sec/23G
Heat exchanger: HE-1256
Paired HV generator: VCT60M
HV cable: FTU-200 (VCT60M), cable only: CA22 (tube) – variable generator connection
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 2 independent coiled emitters, 3 standard focal spot configurations, rotor speeds 50/100 Hz
Heat units: 7.5 MHu
Max KW rating: 80 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.35 sec/23G
Heat exchanger: HE-970, HE-1120
Paired HV generator: VCT80M, VCT100M
HV cable: FTU-200 (VCT80M, VCT100M), cable only: CA22 (tube) – variable generator connection
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: 2 independent coiled emitters, 3 standard focal spot configurations, rotor speeds 60/130 Hz
Heat units: 7.5 MHu
Max KW rating: 84 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.3 sec/30G
Heat exchanger: HE-1120, HE-1170
Paired HV generator: VCT100M
HV cable: FTU-200 (VCT100M), cable only: CA22 (tube) – variable generator connection
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode) or up to 16 cm (10° anode)
Features: 2 independent coiled emitters, 3 standard focal spot configurations, rotor speeds 60/130 Hz
Heat units: 7.5 MHu
Max KW rating: 100 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.28 sec/38G
Heat exchanger: HE-1120, HE-1170, HE-1200
Paired HV generator: VCT100M
HV cable: FTU-200 (VCT100M), cable only: CA22 (tube) – variable generator connection
Coverage: Up to 4 cm (7° anode)
Features: Rotor speeds 60/130 Hz, use TCU for focal spot control, focal spot size control (FSC), programmable focal spot sizes from 0.4 x 0.4 mm to 2.0 x 2.0 mm on flat emitter
Heat units: 7.5 MHu
Max KW rating: 84 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.25 sec/44G
Heat exchanger: HE-1120, HE-1170
Paired HV generator: VCT100M
HV cable: FTU-100 (VCT100M), cable only: CA191 (tube) – variable generator connection
Coverage: > 8 cm (13° anode)
Features: Rotor speeds 60/130 Hz, 1 coiled emitter with trim/cut-off grid, X-axis DFS grid
Heat units: 1.4 MHu
Max KW rating: 72 kW
Max gantry speed: 0.25 sec/44G
Heat exchanger: HE-293
HV cable: Specialized connector (tube) – variable generator connection
Elscint | Select CT | GS-3074 | GS-3074 |
Elscint | CT-TWIN, HELICAT, RTF | GS-6079 | GS-6079 |
General Electric/GE | Pro Speed A/I, CT/e, CT Dual, AI, HiLight Advantage | MX135 CT-H1 | GS-2276 |
General Electric/GE | BrightSpeed Edge (Select / Lite), BrightSpeed Elite (Select / Lite), BrightSpeed Excel (Select / Lite) | MX165 BrightSpeed | GS-3576S |
General Electric/GE | BrightSpeed Edge / Elite /Excel, Discovery LS PET/CT, Discovery NM/CT670, Discovery PET/CT600, Discovery RX, Discovery STE PET/CT, HiSpeed NX/I Pro, HiSpeed ZX/i, HiSpeed CT/i, LightSpeed 16 / Plus / QX/I / RT / Ultra- ,5/.8 scan speed, Optima 540 | Performix, Performix BrightSpeed, Performix Pro, Performix Ultra | MCS-6074 |
General Electric/GE | Discovery NM/CT570c, Discovery PET/CT690, Discovery RX VCT, Discovery VCT, LightSpeed Pro 16, LightSpeed Pro 32, LightSpeed Pro 100, LightSpeed VCT 100, LightSpeed VCT Select, LightSpeed VCT Xtra, LightSpeed VCT XT, Optima CT580RT | Hercules | MCS-8064 |
Marconi/Picker | PQ 5000 | CTR1762RGQ, CTR1790RGQ | GS-5076 |
Neusoft | NeuViz Dual, NeuView | GS-5076 | GS-5076 |
Philips | Tomoscan LX, LX/C, SR6000 | DA220 | GS-2070 |
Philips | Tomoscan SR4000 | GS-2072 | GS-2072 |
Philips | Tomoscan SR, 5000/6000V | GS-3070 | GS-3070 |
Philips | Tomoscan AV, PF, SR6000 | GS-3072 | GS-3072 |
Philips | MX-6000 Dual | GS-5076 | GS-5076 |
Philips | MX-4000 | GS-5076 | GS-5076 |
Shimadzu | SCT-7000TS, SCT 7800T, SCT-7000TX, SCT 7800TF, SCT7800TE | DA240 | GS-3075A |
For optimum CT system performance, every part matters, which is why Varex offers permanently attached and quick disconnect coupled heat exchanger designs to provide appropriate cooling when paired with our X-ray tube platforms.
Choose from bipolar or unipolar scalable platforms, from value to premium CT systems. Shared common mechanical and electrical interfaces make scaling and upgrading straightforward.
Fluid: Propylene glycol water
Product pairings: MCS-7000 series, MCS-6100 series
HE-970 Series
Fluid: Dielectric oil
Product pairings: MCS-7100 series, MCS-6200 series
HE-1120 Series
Fluid: Dielectric oil or syltherm HF
Product pairings: MCS-7500 series, MCS-7200 series, MCS-7100 series,
MCS-6200 series
HE-1170 Series
Fluid: Dielectric oil
Product pairings: MCS-7500 series, MCS-7200 series, MCS-7100 series
HE-1270 Series
Fluid: Syltherm HF
Product pairings: MCS-7500 series, MCS-7200 series
Designed for fast CT development cycles, ease of integration, and low total cost of ownership. All you have to do is choose from three high-voltage generator models, paired with our unipolar platforms for 60KW, 80KW, and 100KW.
We’ve made it possible to benefit from advanced features in a standard package, including automated filament calibration, automatic arc recovery, generator/system authentication, fast dose modulation, dual-energy, integrated stator control, and auxiliary power supplies.
Peak power: 60kw/4s
Tube current range: 10 mA to 650 mA
Continuous power: 3.5 kW
10 min rating: 4.5 kW
5.5 min rating: 6.8 kW
Power ratings: 60 kW – 10 s
57 kW – 15 s
35 kW – 50 s
16 kW – 100 s
Range: 70kV-140kV
KV rise time, mA settling time: Max 3 ms, ≤5 ms
Accuracy, overshoot: ±3%, <3kV
Ripple (LF<10kHz, HF >10kHz): <1kVp-p, <5kVp-p
3 phase VAC: 380-480 V, -20% +10%
Current Limit: 230A
Maximum Gantry Load: 25g (0.35 s/r)
Communication Interface: CAN (ISO 11898-2:2003 Bosch CAN Specification 2.0 Part B), For Dose Modulation and kV Switching – RS-422
Ancillary Power Supplies: 1-24VDC (2A), 1-24VDC(3A),1-230VAC(0.65A), 1- 12VDC(43A)
Peak power: 80kw/4s
Tube current range: 10 mA to 800 mA
Continuous power: 3.5 kW
10 min rating: 4.5 kW
5.5 min rating: 6.8 kW
Power ratings: 80 kW – 4 s
60 kW – 10 s
57 kW – 15 s
35 kW – 50 s
16 kW – 100 s
Range: 70kV-140kV
KV rise time, mA settling time: Max 3 ms, ≤5 ms
Accuracy, overshoot: ±3%, <3kV
Ripple (LF<10kHz, HF >10kHz): <1kVp-p, <5kVp-p
3 phase VAC: 380-480 V, -20% +10%
Current Limit: 230A
Maximum Gantry Load: 30g (0.3 s/r)
Communication Interface: CAN (ISO 11898-2:2003 Bosch CAN Specification 2.0 Part B), For Dose Modulation and kV Switching – RS-422
Ancillary Power Supplies: 1-24VDC (2A), 1-24VDC(3A),1-230VAC(0.65A), 1- 12VDC(43A)
Peak power: 100kw/4s
Tube current range: 10 mA to 833 mA
Continuous power: 3.5 kW
10 min rating: 4.5 kW
5.5 min rating: 6.8 kW
Power ratings: 100 kW – 4 s
80 kW – 10 s
60 kW – 20 s
35 kW – 60 s
16 kW – 100 s
Range: 70kV-140kV
KV rise time, mA settling time: Max 3 ms, ≤5 ms
Accuracy, overshoot: ±3%, <3kV
Ripple (LF<10kHz, HF >10kHz): <1kVp-p, <5kVp-p
3 phase VAC: 440 V, -20% +10%
Current Limit: 230A
Maximum Gantry Load: 44g (0.25 s/r)
Communication Interface: CAN (ISO 11898-2:2003 Bosch CAN Specification 2.0 Part B), For Dose Modulation and kV Switching – RS-422
Ancillary Power Supplies: 1-24VDC (2A), 1-24VDC(3A),1-230VAC(0.65A), 1- 12VDC(43A)
Leading medical teams around the world are doing great work with Varex X-ray detectors. That’s because our X-ray detectors are created by experts who strive for excellence.
Our X-ray detectors have been engineered to bring low-dose performance and high resolution imaging to our customers and their imaging systems.
Photon Counting Detector*
Based on field proven direct conversion technology
Flexible modular tiled structure
Customizable detector active area
1.6 mm thick CdTe
Up to six energy channels
Evaluation modules available Q1/2023
Three detector forms: detector modules, CT fingers, complete CT arrays
All detectors include:
4 side buttable hybrids – no geometric limitations
150 µm pixels, 6 energy bins
CT capable frame rates of up to 10,000 fps
CT capable count rates of > 10^8 cps/mm²
On chip binning 2×2
Continuous counting
*Not released for commercial use yet
Veolity LungCAD*
Detect pulmonary nodules with Veolity LungCAD and play your part in early-stage lung cancer discovery. Developed to fully exploit the benefits of the latest AI technology, Veolity LungCAD has a sensitivity of 92% to detect solid, subsolid, and calcified nodules, making it a significant tool in the detection of the subtlest signs of lung cancer.
With its fast, accurate, and reproducible results, Veolity LungCAD can support even the most experienced radiologists and accelerate the screening progress, meaning more people benefit and, potentially, more lives are saved.
Radiologists are using Veolity LungCAD across the globe to make a difference today.
Veolity LungRead
Look deeper into the data with Veolity LungRead, a software tool that applies the full power of the most advanced AI technology to lung cancer screening.
Clarity and purpose underpin rapid and innovative data gathering. Vital information is then collated in a format designed to improve diagnostic quality and reduce reading times by 47 %. Regions suggestive of solid, subsolid, and calcified pulmonary nodules are identified and marked. Automatic segmentation with volume measurements helps radiologists produce usable and comparative results. Growth rates are measured based on the findings in current and prior studies.
Your report is comprehensive, comparative, clearly structured, guideline compliant, and fully integrated.
MeVis Liver Suite
Enrich understanding and make your precise clinical decisions with the MeVis Liver Suite software solution for image analysis and visualization of CT and MRI hepatic and abdominal imaging studies.
Advanced AI technology puts more information in the hands of surgeons and radiologists, from patient-specific 3d visualizations to segmentation of abdominal organs and vasculature.
Explore resection scenarios virtually and access information and insights on all areas of significant interest, including tumor burden, remnant volume, and graft-to-recipient ratios
*CE marking in accordance with new EU-MDR (2017/745). This product does not have FDA clearance (510(k) in preparation). Not sold nor for commercial use in the USA. Medical training and performance enhancement, and research purposes only. Ask us for availability in your country.
Reliable, flexible, and cost-effective. Whatever your task, Varex premium quality, high voltage interconnects are designed for optimum performance.
Explore our extensive product portfolio. You’ll find the latest innovations for your application because we’ve been leaders in the field for 40 years. Medical, industrial, scientific, X-ray, and e-beam – we have the right interconnect for every context.
Like a challenge? So do we. Our highly talented teams in design and manufacture can develop and customize to your needs.
HV Connectors
HV Receptacles
HV Cables