Replacement C-Arm X-ray Tubes - Varex Imaging

C-ARM X-ray Tubes

Whenever a patient’s life is on the line, practitioners need to be able to rely on their C-Arm imaging system. Varex Imaging’s range of C-Arm and special procedures replacement X-ray tubes have been engineered for compatibility and dependability across major manufacturer’s imaging systems.

For more detailed information about specific replacement C-Arm or special procedures X-ray tubes, please visit their respective product page. For questions regarding the availability of our replacement X-ray tube portfolio and for any other questions, please fill out the contact form below or on any of our product pages.

Mobile C-Arm X-ray Tubes

HousingInsert NameFocal SpotKW RatingTarget AngleTarget SizeHeat Units
B-145A-1450.3-0.66/2510°3”300 kHU
B-145RAD-990.3-0.68/2210°3”300 kHU
OR-IIIRAD-990.3-0.68/2210°3”300 kHU
OR-IIIBRAD-99B0.3-0.68/2210°3”300 kHU
B-146HG-2920.6-1.240/10012°4”600 kHU
B-146HG-2960.6-1.032/7212°4”600 kHU
B-146HG-2970.3-0.812/4912°4”600 kHU
B-146HMG-6920.6-1.240/10012°4”600 kHU
B-146HMG-6960.6-1.032/7212°4”600 kHU
B-146HG-8920.6-1.240/10012°4”857 kHU
B-146HG-8960.6-1.032/7212°4”857 kHU

Portable Housing X-ray Tubes

HousingInsert NameFocal SpotKW RatingTarget AngleTarget SizeHeat Units
AMX4+RAD-110.82214°3”196 kHU
AMX 4RAD-100.7519.816°3”300 kHU

Special Procedures X-ray Tubes

HousingInsert NameFocal SpotKW RatingTarget AngleTarget SizeHeat Units
B-160H,B-165Hg-10920.6-1.240/10012°4”1 MHU
B-180H,B-185HG-1582BI0.3-118/11210°5”1.5 MHU
B-180H,B-185HG-1582BI0.6-160/11210°5”1.5 MHU
B-180H,B-185HG-1582TRI0.3-0.6-1.018/60/11210°5”1.5 MHU
B-180H,B-185HG-15920.6-1.247/11212°5”1.5 MHU
B-240HG-2090BI0.3-1.014/8212°5”2 MHU
B-240HG-2090TRI0.3-0.6-1.014/45/8212°5”2 MHU

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